Graphic design

Maidstone Citizens Advice Bureau

Maidstone Citizend Advice Bureau

This site was built by Fonant on a limited budget in a short time, and hosting it includes development help as functionality grows. Secure staff pages have several levels of access and editorial permission. An events calendar is linked to automatic news displays, sign-up facilities and bulk emails. It is edited by a volunteer and has been designed for easy transfer when necessary.

January 2012

MXT Swimming School

MXT Swimming School Homepage

This site was built to replace a WordPress site. The new site is easier for MXT to maintain and add content to, and includes mailing list functionality to enable MXT to keep their many customers informed of new courses and events.

January 2012

Bucks Composites

Bucks Composites is a small business specialising in selling materials for building fibreglass and carbon fibre components for model aeroplanes, model boats, and other items. The site is mainly an online shop, but also has galleries of photos of completed projects, and several illustrated "How to do" articles to show how the products can be used.

September 2011

Fonant Ltd

The Fonant site started life as a static HTML site, then was converted to a custom CMS system, then Drupal 6, and now is running with Drupal 7.

February 2011

Cycling Embassy of Great Britain

The Cycling Embassy campaigns to publicise bicycle friendly systems that work in other countries, working with other like minded organisations to make our streets safer for all. Run entirely by volunteers, it aims to appeal to anyone who uses a cycle for transport, even if they do not regard themselves a "cyclists". The website has many functional features, including a Forum, a Wiki area for users to create and edit pages, and comprehensive document and page classification systems. This site started life using Drupal 6, then was upgraded to use Drupal 7 in January 2012.

December 2010

Hands Off My Copyright

This site was put together on a limited budget, to provide a central location where photographers can register their copyright in the photos that they own. It makes use of various Drupal functions, such as relationships between entities such as photographs and the collections they belong to, and automated image resizing and watermarking.

December 2010
November 2014

Exercise Click

Exercise Click provides hundreds of easy-to-follow videos of injury rehabilitation exercises.

Fonant built the Drupal site to provide the required functionality for the project. In particular the site required the ability for certain users (medical practitioners) to be able to create and control user accounts for their own patients.

The site also uses online payments and a credits system, so both patients and practitioners are able to buy access to training videos in a flexible manner.

May 2010
February 2018

20’s Plenty for Worthing

A low-budget site for the local 20's Plenty campaign group.

March 2010

Skills Workshop

Skills Workshop: Home page

The long-standing Skills Workshop website was proving to be very time-consuming for the owner, Maggie Harnew, to keep updated. New contributors continued to send in new teaching resources, but the time taken to add resources to the site meant that a back-log was building up. Luckily, Maggie won the LSIS Star Award 2009 in the Skills for Life category, and the prize money funded conversion of the site into a Drupal content-managed site. This has enabled Maggie to spend more time concentrating on editing submitted resources, and less time having to maintain the web pages themselves.

November 2009

Fusion Hair Design

Fonant hosts and maintains the Fusion Hair Design website. The graphic design originated for paper flyers and posters, and was transferred to the website.

The site was closed when the business shut down.

May 2009
October 2017


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