
Chichester Area Talking News

Every fortnight, Chichester Area Talking News (CATN) produces an hour of local news on memory sticks for blind and partially sighted people in the Chichester, Bognor Regis, Midhurst and Petworth areas.

The website allows CATN staff to upload the audio of each newspaper, and for visitors to listen to the articles online.

May 2013
November 2021

The British Museum Talking Objects Collective

The British Museum wanted a website to enable groups to discuss objects from the museum online, but in private forums. This site features private file handling for images, videos and documents. Each item can be referenced from Forum discussions, and the discussions about each object are linked to from the object's own page. Fonant worked closely with web developers from the British Museum, and in partnership with Tellura Information Services who provided graphic design and usability expertise.

August 2012
October 2012

Maidstone Citizens Advice Bureau

Maidstone Citizend Advice Bureau

This site was built by Fonant on a limited budget in a short time, and hosting it includes development help as functionality grows. Secure staff pages have several levels of access and editorial permission. An events calendar is linked to automatic news displays, sign-up facilities and bulk emails. It is edited by a volunteer and has been designed for easy transfer when necessary.

January 2012

Bucks Composites

Bucks Composites is a small business specialising in selling materials for building fibreglass and carbon fibre components for model aeroplanes, model boats, and other items. The site is mainly an online shop, but also has galleries of photos of completed projects, and several illustrated "How to do" articles to show how the products can be used.

September 2011

Fonant Ltd

The Fonant site started life as a static HTML site, then was converted to a custom CMS system, then Drupal 6, and now is running with Drupal 7.

February 2011


Pushnote was a system that allows people to comment publicly on any website on the internet. The site had Stephen Fry as a business partner, so had a relatively high profile on the internet. To cope with the expected large initial demand, when Mr Fry tweeted about the new site, the system was installed on three dedicated servers at RackSpace, plus a firewall and load balancer.

January 2011
June 2012

Hands Off My Copyright

This site was put together on a limited budget, to provide a central location where photographers can register their copyright in the photos that they own. It makes use of various Drupal functions, such as relationships between entities such as photographs and the collections they belong to, and automated image resizing and watermarking.

December 2010
November 2014

Membership Matters

Membership Matters provide expert training in membership marketing and retention.

This site mixes in various Drupal features:

  • Events, being individual sessions of different training courses.
  • Event bookings, with attendance limits, email notifications and reminders.
  • Payments for bookings, including PayPal payments and invoice payments.
  • Discounts for multiple bookings in one purchase.
August 2010

Exercise Click

Exercise Click provides hundreds of easy-to-follow videos of injury rehabilitation exercises.

Fonant built the Drupal site to provide the required functionality for the project. In particular the site required the ability for certain users (medical practitioners) to be able to create and control user accounts for their own patients.

The site also uses online payments and a credits system, so both patients and practitioners are able to buy access to training videos in a flexible manner.

May 2010
February 2018

20’s Plenty for Worthing

A low-budget site for the local 20's Plenty campaign group.

March 2010


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