
EVA: Entity Views Attachment

Create Views that display as part of entity content, especially useful for displaying related content in conjunction with taxonomy or entity relations fields.


The module for allowing people to rate or vote on things.

Requires the votingapi module.

Royal Mail zones

Small module to return the Royal Mail postal zone for a given country.


An extremely powerful module, that many others can work with. Rules allows you to trigger actions based on events and conditions. Events might be "comment added" or "content updated", actions can be almost anything from changing other settings to displaying messages to sending emails, conditions can check values or dates or other things to say whether or not the actions should fire.

Rules allows you to "program" a Drupal website without writing any code.


Yup, this module is extremely useful, and is used on all my Drupal sites. There's a movement to include Views into Drupal Core, just like CCK has become fields in core.

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